Saturday, September 21, 2013

Our Story

February 14th, 2013
I carried my suitcase to the Wash Hut parking lot to get in the car with a stranger boy who was kind enough to give me a ride to St. George for the weekend (I was going home to complete the last step of my mission papers, oops!)

February 18th, 2013
After the weekend had ended, I sat once more in the car with Scott, the stranger boy. I spent a good majority of the ride trying to think of ways to suggest that we should hang out sometime. I chickened out, but luckily Scott asked me on a date as he dropped me off at my apartment.

February 23rd, 2013
The first date was memorable-- we ate Indian food, went to the BYU Men's Volleyball game, and I, naturally, ended the night on a graceful note by slipping on the ice (seriously all the way down on my booty. I wanted to die!)

March 16, 2013
Luckily, Scott didn't judge me too much for slipping on the ice. On our fourth date, we went to a Jazz game. For some reason, I just knew he was going to hold my hand that night. That's all  I could think about the WHOLE game. Finally, the boy grabbed my hand. He still doesn't let me forget how clammy my hands were that night-- gross huh!!

March 29, 2013
Scott and I smooched for the first time on my doorstep as he was dropping me off from a date--it was so sweet and perfect.

(Our first picture together. This was taken on the same night as our first kiss. Crazy tender, right?) 

March 30, 2013
We took a little stroll around the block. Both of us were a little awkward (me more than Scott), but on this night we decided that we would officially and exclusively date each other. I knew that I was already CRAZY about this boy. 

It wasn't long after this that I decided that there was no way I was leaving Provo for the upcoming summer. I liked this boy an awful lot, and I absolutely did not want to ruin anything with him. So, yep, I stayed! 

May 13, 2013
It was my birthday, and Scott was with me at my parents' house. We went downstairs, he gave me a gift, and we hugged for a minute. Suddenly, Scott said, "I love you." That was the first time he had said it. And honestly, I loved him too... I had for awhile. :) 

The summertime was so perfect. I made numerous calls to my mom telling her that I loved this boy so much and that if it didn't work out with him, I might just die. 

One night, towards the end of June, we started talking marriage. I knew that I wanted to marry him. Early on in our relationship, I just knew that he was someone special, someone that I wanted to have around for a long while. What I saw in Scott was everything I ever wanted in a future husband plus so much more. Throughout the summer, I would pray and pray that things would work out with this wonderful boy who I believed was perfect for me. 

We decided to get married. We went ring shopping. Scott talked to my dad. 

July 26th, 2013
I was with my family at our annual family reunion in one of my favorite places in the entire world-- Pine Valley, UT. Before I left Provo, Scott told me about some potential plans he had for the weekend. I cried because I was going to miss him (3 days is a long time to be away from each other, you know! Ha ha!). So needless to say, I wasn't suspecting anything when my mom told me, on Friday night, that our family was going to do a little treasure hunt for all of the cousins. Little did I know that at the end of this treasure hunt, my treasure (Scott) would be at the end, waiting for me at the Pine Valley Chapel. When we arrived at the chapel, I was instructed to go get the last clue by myself. After no success in finding it, I turned around just in time to see my sweetheart coming from the side of the chapel. With roses in hand, and the prettiest ring I've ever seen, my Scott asked me to be his forever. I couldn't have been more confident in the "yes" I gave him. 

5 weeks from today, I will enter the temple with the boy I have always hoped for and dreamed about. I didn't think it was possible to trust someone and love someone this much. But I do. I love this boy with all of my heart. I am the luckiest girl in the entire world to have the privilege of being with him forever.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Just a little story

This past weekend, I was lucky enough to go home and be a bridesmaid at one of my very best friend's wedding. Ashley was such a gorgeous bride, and the day was just absolutely perfect!
That was on Friday, and I stayed in St. George for the rest of the weekend. As the weekend went on, I got sick, sick, sick! Maybe I'm a baby, but I haven't felt that way in a long time. On Sunday morning, I woke up with a burning fever. I was so sad when I realized that I was probably going to miss hearing my little brother's talk in sacrament meeting, eating dinner with my two cute grandmas, going to a family get-together, and spending time with my cute boyfriend later that night. I was bummed (sounds a little bit selfish, but it's true, I was pretty sad!) As I was trying to get out of bed, I realized that I was probably going to be sick all day. I'm ashamed to say that it took me awhile to think of this, but I realized that my very own dad was downstairs, and I decided to ask him for a priesthood blessing. 
He willingly gave me a blessing, and within like ten minutes, my fever was gone, and my aches and pains were disappearing. 
Such a simple little miracle. 
But it just amazes me that while Heavenly Father has much bigger things to worry about than a sad, feverish girl sick in bed, He still takes the time to help me and heal me. What a comfort it is to know that Heavenly Father has a hand in every single, little part of my life (even if it is just a fever). 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


So, a few hours ago, I wrapped up my sophomore year with a 145 question test. It was exhausting, and I think my neck is going to be stiff for the next couple of days--but regardless of all that melodramatic stuff, I feel blessed beyond measure. Honestly, I feel like I might just be the luckiest girl in the world.
Here's why:

I seriously can't imagine what my life would be like without these girls, and I can hardly believe I've known them for just a year and a half. They've made such a difference in my life, and I know that they will do the same in every single place they are headed to (London, Paris, Daejeon, Bahia Blanca, Toronto, etc. :)). 

And a few more reasons why I feel pretty blessed:
I get to see my fam bam this weekend
I only had to take one test in the JSB auditorium during finals week
I found out the BYU creamery has gluten-free hamburger buns
I get to spend my summer in lovely Provo
I have a new job at the MTC
I get to spend time with a super cute boy (seriously, he's so great!)
My list might be able to go on for awhile....

But seriously, I feel so fortunate. I know with all of my heart that Heavenly Father knows me perfectly. He has a plan for me. I know that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is enabling and has the power to transform every mediocre part of my life. By myself, I can do nothing--Christ's Atonement makes all the difference in changing me from where I am now to become something better. Even though I get frustrated sometimes by my total lack of even being close to perfect, I know that every single day, step by step, Heavenly Father, through the remarkable power of His Son's sacrifice, takes me by the hand and walks with me through my weak efforts to become more like Him. 

I'm blessed. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

If I were president

If I were president:

1) You could buy packages of just pink Starbursts. At Costco.

2) It would be illegal to eat a tuna fish sandwich in the middle of your college lecture hall. Mmmm, I can almost smell it now.

3) More people would stand in the middle of the sidewalks at Brigham Young University during class change... making out. Yep, that was totally a joke.

4) Everyone would cheer for you if you slipped and fell on the ice.

5) My background music would sound a little bit like this:
Would that be awesome or what?

6) There would be a National Si Robertson Day where everyone would, yep you guessed it, talk like Silas Robertson himself.

7) Everyone would, on that note, grow a Robertson beard.

8) No one would smack their lips while they were eating or lick their fingers when they were done. Naaaasty. 

9) The stairs up the hill to campus wouldn't look like this: 

But rather, would look more like this:

File:Escalator, Vaƈkovka, Brno (3).jpg

10) Honey Boo Boo would be my VP. 

Vote for me.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Just in case you really want to know what I think about guns

"First it's pretty tires, then it's pretty thing you know, you're shavin' your beard and wearin' capri pants!"
-The Si Robertson

So... Obviously people have been going a little cra-cra over the topic of gun control. President Obama came out yesterday with his concrete plan of action regarding it. I think it was a good one. People can still have guns (which is good because maybe people will stop posting memes about gun control, pictures of themselves with their guns in front of their fireplaces, etc. It's a little odd, people!)  BUT, don't you think these tragic acts of violence aren't actually all about the guns? 
I'm probably kinda ignorant because I practically know diddly squat about all the details of the second amendment... blah blah blah, BUT yeah. From my perspective, guns can't always be the problem. Taking guns away from people isn't going to end any violence. 

What about the kids that are allowed to sit in their basements all day playing Call of Duty? Or the kids whose parents who aren't involved one bit in their lives? To me, that is the source of the problem. Nothing the government can do will ever be able to change what we do inside our homes. 
What is it teaching kids when they watch uber violent movies and the "hero" is just like shooting people right and left without any punishment? It's just weird to me. 

Let's face the truth. I'm only 19 years old, and obviously I've never raised a child, so duh.. I don't know how hard it is. I am also not named Metta World Peace either, so yeah, I think guns are okay... maybe even necessary.

But hello, people! Bad things are happening here! Something obviously has gotta happen! I personally think it should start in the home through being more involved in the lives of children and having a control over how much of the junky violent media comes into the home. 

Obviously every situation is different, and obviously I am not super informed on the whole issue, but doesn't it just make sense that things that are happening in the homes probably are having the biggest impact on society? It's not just about whether you can go stock up on guns and ammunition. I think the violent tendencies and thoughts start a lot earlier than the moment the wackos have the guns in their hands. 

I bet we, as individual families, could probably make the biggest difference. 


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year

Seriously?! 2012 is already OVER? Crazy crazy craziness. Like where did the time even go? My 2012 consisted of :
 an 18 credit winter semester
late-night LOST marathons
a 4 credit Italian class
saying goodbye to my precious freshman year
relationship ends and beginnings
a dreamy vacation to Southern California
the annual camping trip to Pine Valley
summer afternoons working at the dry cleaners, plus..
 summer nights working at Pancho and Lefty's
moving into my new apartment at Liberty Square
changing my major like four times
my first experience disco skating (yeah, wasn't pretty)
BYU football games
thug Thursdays
being diagnosed with Celiac Disease
tears after Mitt the man was defeated
spinning around I-15 during a snowstorm
volunteering at an elementary school in Provo
post-test Cafe Rio celebrations
having the best roommates in the world
a huge obsession with Duck Dynasty
lots and lots of burnt meals

etc. etc. etc.
Simply put, it's been a wonderful year.

A side note:
You probably haven't heard about this movie or been bombarded with Facebook statuses of how beautiful it is or viewed like two hundred Instagram fanatics posting model shots of  Marius or sung "Do You Hear the People Sing" in the shower everyday, so let me fill you in. Okay, but really. I will join in with my social media peeps and say that this was the most incredible movie ever.

That's all I've got. Happy 2013.

Some webcam gems from twenty-twelve:
I love my Hayden, but I don't love my hair

I can't believe I'm allowing this to go viral.

Hope ya like my neck.