Thursday, December 30, 2010

Looking Forward.

I was thinking that since the new year is quickly approaching, that I would post some pictures of my 2010, or give a brief summary of the highlights. But after watching this video, I realized that my favorite part of having a new year is the fact that I can have a fresh start, and that I have much to look forward to in the future. It's exciting. I can't wait for all that the new year has to bring!
Happy New Year!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Grace just isn't my forte!

If anyone was driving through Little Valley last night and saw a girl get clotheslined by a rope that was holding down someone's outdoor Christmas inflatable--that was me. In Young Women's my Laurel class adopted a couple of families to do the 'Twelve Days of Christmas' for. I left the last gift of the twelve days on the doorstep of a family in my ward, rang the doorbell and decided to cut through their yard to make a faster escape to the car. Bad idea. Suddenly my hoped-for smooth escape ended with me on the ground, and the Christmas inflatable tipping over. Grace isn't my forte.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

It has been a wonderful day! I love being surrounded by so many people that I love. I love this time of year. As I have gotten older, however, I have realized the significance of this holiday much more.
As a little girl, past all of the giddy-ness of Santa Claus and the presents on Christmas morning, I knew the real meaning of Christmas, but I never really understood how special and priceless that first Christmas night was.
At Christmastime we give gifts. Oftentimes (at least for my mom :) ) we worry about the gifts we give and if they'll be enjoyed or useful.
But, in reality, our Heavenly Father is the ultimate gift-giver. He gave us the gift of His son. That is a gift that can be treasured by all, and it is the gift that keeps on giving.
That first Christmas night was just the beginning of a perfect life, an exemplary life, and a life that was lived and eventually sacrificed for us.
I'm so thankful for this Christmas season and for the gift of my Savior that began on that first Christmas night with a sweet, little baby.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Check it out! - Provo firefighters still fighting tabernacle fire (Gallery Viewer)

Two posts in one day? Wow. This is awesome, though.

I love Christmastime.

I'm so thankful for this time of year. Now that all the busy and crazy school days are over for a couple of weeks, I'm so excited to spend time with my family and friends as we celebrate this special time of year.
This video is such a sweet reminder to me of the true meaning of the season.
I love my Savior, and I love this time of year when the whole world stops to reflect and remember Him.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy (late) Thanksgiving!

As always, Thanksgiving was wonderful. I love the holiday! Every year I'm reminded again of how I should be thankful daily--not just on Thanksgiving. I've summarized my list of things I'm thankful for to this:
 1) My family. You all make me so happy and I'm so lucky to be a part of the Cottle family.
 2) The opportunities that I have! I'm so glad that I can be educated, and I'm especially looking forward to continuing my education next year in college.
 3) Hard things. I'm so thankful that everyday is not easy and that we all have bad days. During my bad days I learn more about myself and learn that I can do hard things. I'm so thankful for that.
 4) My sweet, sweet friends. I love all of them, and I'm so thankful to know them! I have so much fun with my friends, and I can't wait for the fun times ahead.

  Ultimately, I'm thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sometimes I wonder why I was so lucky to be born with it, when so many people seek for the true gospel their whole lives. I'm so happy to know that I have a loving Heavenly Father that knows and loves me. That truth makes me feel as if I can do anything! I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I love the friend that I have in Him. He is always there for me, and I know that He understands my heart.
    Heavenly Father has blessed me with so many things, and I am so happy to have the knowledge of Him. I know that I need to show my gratitude more

Happy (late) Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My heart is in New England!

I had a wonderful week back east with my family. I fell in love with it back there, and I can't wait to go back!
Here are some highlights from the trip:
Macy's Department Store in NYC!

Battery Park

Empire State Building

Amanda and I in Boston!

My Dad at the Quincy Market

Look at the fall colors!

Me in Rockport, MA

Another picture of Rockport. Yes Dacy, this is where the fudgery is. :)

This is a little fishing town called Gloucester, MA
If anyone has seen the movie The Perfect Storm, it's based on fisherman from this town.

Amanda and I standing on the back porch of The Breakers mansion (also known as the Vanderbilt mansion)
Newport, RI

Me at another mansion (The Elms)
Newport, RI

The Boston temple!

The girls at the temple!

Plymouth Rock!

Once again, I loved this trip!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Sadies was so much fun! We hiked to the scout's lookout in Zion for our day date. Here's a photo from at the top.... (I was a bit sweaty and nappy looking at this point).
And here's a picture of our group after dinner in our snazzy sweatshirts! It was a fun and tiring day. I loved it!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Let me tell you about my dad.

     Simply stated, my dad is the best dad in the whole world. He is so unselfish! He spends the weekends working all night long, getting home at four in the morning. Yet for some reason he is always awake again before anyone else getting (sometimes dragging) us out of bed and making sure we all are up to read our scriptures and to say family prayers.
     I've never heard my dad complain about having to go to work at his second job, even though is primary job probably wears him out enough. He attends all of my brother's sports games coaching and cheering. He asks us all about our days, school, and just simple things going on in our lives. He's been through many struggles in his life, yet he still stays true to the gospel, and he has done so much with his life. I love my dad, and I can't think of a better person. I want someone just like him someday.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Me? A Saleswoman? I don't know.

This Friday I started a new job. To be quite frank, I was terrified. Those cinnamon almonds and pecans at Totally Nuts smell so good when I'm a browsing shopper--but when I'm working there, it's a whole new story.
     I arrived at my job (after shaking while behind the wheel---yeah, bad idea) about ten minutes before I was supposed to be there because that's what good employees do, right? :) Anyway, I got there, got the lesson on how to work the cash register, what the prices are for those tasty nuts, and of course, the lesson on  good sales pitches. That was the hard part. You all know me... I was timid. Something about trying to get people to buy things makes me feel awfully uncomfortable.
      So there I was, standing in the nut booth gaining the courage to just simply use my loud voice and ask a passerby if they wanted to try a sample. Eventually, I gave up asking people that just looked away after I offered a sample (of course I looked like I was talking to the wall in the process) and then I decided to step out of the booth and approach people that walked past. I had more luck that way. First, because they could actually hear me, and second, they couldn't ignore me or walk away as quickly.
      After my approaching theory, things went pretty smoothly--I even made a couple of sales. In my mind, I was thinking, "Alright! I've got this! I haven't broken the cash register, destroyed the nut booth, tripped, spit my gum out while talking, or offended anyone." I was feeling pretty good about myself... that was until we began to close up the booth for the night. I was thinking that I was a pretty graceful employee at this point, so when I was zipping the booth closed, in my mind, nothing was going to go wrong. Until my smooth pull-the-zipper-down while gracefully moving down myself had a slight malfunction. I guess I was just in la-la land or something because for some reason the zipper just kept going--except for it wasn't on it's track anymore. Yep. I BROKE the zipper. After a somewhat smooth first day as an employee I broke the zipper. (It's fixed now--thankfully.)
     Now I know that breaking the zipper can put a damper on a happy first day of employment. Plus working on improving my skills as a saleswoman, my top priority is to not break another zipper at the nut booth! :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm allergic to exercise!

I'm allergic to exercise. Whenever I exercise my face turns red, I become out of breath, and I start to sweat a lot. Afterwards I'm really shaky. The worst symptom comes the next day... as I try to get out of bed. Ouch..
I wish this was my excuse for not being engaged in much physical activity over the past few months! Haha but sadly, it's not. Last night I made the foolish mistake of giving a whack at the new tread-climber that lives in the basement. I was feeling so great until about the uh.... fifth minute into my workout. I kept going and going. When I was finished I could hardly walk straight-I think I used to make fun of people like this!
Anyway, the shakiness wore off and for the most part I felt pretty good. I had a great sleep, and I felt refreshed when I woke up--until I moved. The sore-ness in my back and legs made me feel for a moment that I had just woken up as an old crippled woman. I'm hoping that this was just a first-day-of-exercise-after-being-lazy-for-three-months exercise experience, otherwise my fellow students at school might mistake me for their grandmother.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Ok. So I'm totally new to this, and I really have no idea how this will go. I'm hoping that this blog can make up for my lack of journaling skills... Oh boy do I need help. Here it goes!