Sunday, November 7, 2010

Me? A Saleswoman? I don't know.

This Friday I started a new job. To be quite frank, I was terrified. Those cinnamon almonds and pecans at Totally Nuts smell so good when I'm a browsing shopper--but when I'm working there, it's a whole new story.
     I arrived at my job (after shaking while behind the wheel---yeah, bad idea) about ten minutes before I was supposed to be there because that's what good employees do, right? :) Anyway, I got there, got the lesson on how to work the cash register, what the prices are for those tasty nuts, and of course, the lesson on  good sales pitches. That was the hard part. You all know me... I was timid. Something about trying to get people to buy things makes me feel awfully uncomfortable.
      So there I was, standing in the nut booth gaining the courage to just simply use my loud voice and ask a passerby if they wanted to try a sample. Eventually, I gave up asking people that just looked away after I offered a sample (of course I looked like I was talking to the wall in the process) and then I decided to step out of the booth and approach people that walked past. I had more luck that way. First, because they could actually hear me, and second, they couldn't ignore me or walk away as quickly.
      After my approaching theory, things went pretty smoothly--I even made a couple of sales. In my mind, I was thinking, "Alright! I've got this! I haven't broken the cash register, destroyed the nut booth, tripped, spit my gum out while talking, or offended anyone." I was feeling pretty good about myself... that was until we began to close up the booth for the night. I was thinking that I was a pretty graceful employee at this point, so when I was zipping the booth closed, in my mind, nothing was going to go wrong. Until my smooth pull-the-zipper-down while gracefully moving down myself had a slight malfunction. I guess I was just in la-la land or something because for some reason the zipper just kept going--except for it wasn't on it's track anymore. Yep. I BROKE the zipper. After a somewhat smooth first day as an employee I broke the zipper. (It's fixed now--thankfully.)
     Now I know that breaking the zipper can put a damper on a happy first day of employment. Plus working on improving my skills as a saleswoman, my top priority is to not break another zipper at the nut booth! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha!! :) love the story!!! :) lol its made me laugh a lot!! :) love ya :)
