I am home.
This has been the best summer of my life.
I am happy to be home with my younger siblings and my parents, but I miss Tennessee oh, so much.
On the airplane ride home, I made a list of the things I learned while away from home for the first time... Here they are:
-Life actually does exist 50 miles away from the nearest freeway (and it's the life I love!)
-After two months... chickens still scare me.
-On the flip side, I now realize that every dog is not out to get me. In fact, they are pleasant creatures.
-Oh gosh, there is just something about those fellas with southern accents...
-Tractor Supply is where it's at!
-The front porch swing is my favorite place in the world.
-If a dog barks like crazy in the middle of the night, it does not mean there is an intruder.
-You see, there are these things called chiggers.... gross.
-A herd of four cows isn't going to stop running just because they see you standing right in their path.
-If you ever wonder what Rocky Mountain oysters are... just ask me, because I now know.
-Bobcats exist in Tennessee (perhaps even in Todd and Brittany's woods?)
-There is no point in doing my make up while in Tennessee. Thanks to the humidity, it's gone by noon.
-I do not want to see another cat die- ever.
-Sometimes, in the south, people pray for you (right as you stand in front of them). And it is awesome.
-Why don't we have Waffle House in Utah?
-I want to be an auctioneer when I grow up.
-All of us Utahns need to be grateful for our waste services. They don't exist in the back roads of TN!
-I love gardening, and I'm actually willing to kill squash bugs with by bare hands.
-Who needs rock and roll when you've got radio stations full of gospel?
-I need to build up some muscles! I was reminded this after mowing the lawn once (yeah, with a riding mower!) How terribly sad.
-There's no greater compliment than getting waved and winked at on the freeway by some toothless truckers.
-Sorry mom and dad, but I love country music.
-Sometimes when the southern folk talk, you just have to smile and pretend like you know what they are saying. I just love those southern accents!
-Who needs Disneyland when you have a tractor?
-New friends are the best.
-Our siblings can be our best friends. I'm so thankful for the time I was able to spend with my brother Todd and his wife Brittany this summer.... I love them so much.
-My polka dot work boots are my favorite accessory.
-It is possible to live in Tennessee for 2 months and not get a single tick. Whoot whoot!
-Family is what it is all about.
-I'm so grateful for my parents and all that they have taught me in my life thus far.
-I'm so thankful for my roots and for the family name that I bear.
-The gospel is the same wherever you go. And that makes me so happy.
-Home isn't so much a place... it's just being with the people you love.
-No matter where we are or what we're experiencing, we are never alone. Our Heavenly Father will help us find strength.
-Heavenly Father will lead us to where we need to be to be shaped and molded into something better.
-The gospel of Jesus Christ makes me happy.
I just loved my summer so much, and I will always, always be grateful for the things I learned (some a little silly, others life-changing).
So yes, Tennessee, I love you.
Lauren! I love your blog. Your list is amazing!