Friday, December 30, 2011

What a year.

I can't believe it's nearly the last day of 2011. Please excuse the obnoxiously long post, but here is a summary of my 2011 from behind the lens of my camera:

Spring Break 2011. From our faces, it's obvious that we just love our St. George.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. This picture is definitely a keeper. 

A happy Easter at the Cottle home!

Oh, I love sweet Margo. 

The Spring Recital. I was one proud piano teacher!!

Seminary Graduation.

Graduation day with my handsome brothers.

I took this picture the first day that I spent on my brother and sister-in-law's beautiful farm in Tennessee. 

The tractor lesson!

Well hello there, Nashville!

I sure do love me some Watertown, Tennessee!

Haha, who knew the folks in Watertown were such campaigners? 

I loved spending my 4th of July weekend staying at Dan and Gail's lake house on the shores of Boone Lake in Piney Flats, TN.

My sister-in-law and I just soaking up the sun at Boone Lake.

Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC.

Asheville, NC is one cute place!

My sister Brittany and I spent one summer afternoon browsing shops in Knoxville-- so much fun.

Mhmmm, that's what I'm talkin about.

We visited Duke campus during a stay in Raleigh, NC.

I snapped this photo the morning that I said goodbye to Tennessee. It was a fantastic 2 months. 

I spent a day cliff jumping at Sand Hollow Reservoir with my family right before I made the move up to Provo.

My second home sweet home!

I love new friends! 

I was so happy when my beautiful little sister came to BYU with her tennis team.

And.... I went on a couple of fun, fun trips to Temple Square!!

 It has been one awesome year. I'm so thankful for every experience that I have had, and I'm so looking forward to the ones to come during my 2012!

"The past is to be learned from but not lived in. We look back to claim the embers from glowing experiences but not the ashes. And when we have learned what we need to learn and have brought with us the best that we have experienced, then we look ahead and remember that faith is always pointed toward the future. Faith always has to do with blessings and truths and events that will yet be efficacious in our lives." 
         -Jeffrey R. Holland

Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime!

Priceless. The adults decided that it was their turn to take over the traditional nativity scene presentation this year. I think they should do it every year. I mean, check out dad in that wise man costume.

Happy Christmas Eve! Never a dull moment in the Cottle house...

Oh, we love Christmas!!

 Merry Christmas from the Cottle house.

It's been wonderful.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays.

Well, this morning I finished up a presentation and walked home from campus sighing with relief. Yep, my first semester at BYU is over, and I am homeward bound tomorrow. I can't believe it. These first few months of college have been some of the best-- I have learned so much!

Here are a few things that I have learned:

- There really is life after my Physical Science class. Honestly, there is.
- Sleep is essential; staying up until five in the morning drinking caffeine definitely is not.
- There are some dang smart people in this world. Holy smokes.
- There is magic in doing homework in the library. Seriously.
- Provo is not St. George. Thus, I can't wear sandals in December.
- If you don't do laundry, then you don't have any clean clothes? Go figure.
- It's miraculous what a Reeses peanut butter cup and a little Frank Sinatra can do during studying.
- My family is still my family, and they always will be.

Ultimately, I know that Heavenly Father is always there. He makes the seemingly impossible-- possible.

I loved this semester. I love BYU. I love my new friends. I love Provo. And I love the fact that I am going home in 24 hours.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mitt's the Man.

I hate to do this, but let's be honest folks... Mitt's the man.

And no... I am not misinformed.
I seriously love this country, and feel like it is my obligation as a citizen to become informed.
Right now, Mitt seems like the best pick.

Check him out for yourself at

Monday, October 10, 2011


Well, it's been a couple of weeks...
Things are SO good.

Here are 10 things that have made me happy this week:

1) The weather. I love this cool weather so much-- it's even made me pull out the Christmas music. Too soon? I don't think so.
2) Waking up on Sunday morning and looking at the sun shining on the beautiful snow-capped Wasatch Mountains.
3) A late night drive to a super sketchy park at the base of Provo Canyon. It was quite an adventure.
4) The BYU Homecoming Parade. For a few minutes, I felt like a little girl again.
5) A fun, fun date! We even carved pumpkins. It doesn't get much better than that!
6) BYU won their game on Saturday. Let's be honest here, who isn't happy about that?
7) Hot cocoa. I chugged a 20 oz. cup. Awesome.
8) I was able to see my cute sister on Saturday when she was up in Provo! I love her big time.
9) Sweet Potato Fries. Honestly, I've found my new favorite food.
10) Making even more new friends. Seriously, Heavenly Father knew I needed them in my life. They are making such a big difference!!

"In all living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed-- not just endured."
                                   -Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Once again, I am so blessed

I feel so fortunate that I was able to hear the divine words of my Heavenly Father through His servants at the General Relief Society Meeting last night. This talk by President Uchtdorf was so powerful.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

So blessed.

I would be so awfully ungrateful if I didn't share what I have been experiencing lately.

So.... I've been having one rough time. College is the hardest thing I have experienced so far. I was home a couple of weekends ago, and when it was time for me to come back to Provo, I did not want to leave. I love my home so much. When I'm there, I belong, I'm comfortable, and I can be myself. When I'm here at BYU, I'm just one of 30,000. It is so overwhelming. So sorry to be negative, but it is scary. I came back to school after that weekend, and I felt so utterly alone. This is really personal... but I just prayed and prayed for direction, because I felt so lost.

But....since then, I have already gained such a stronger testimony of how aware my Heavenly Father is of me. He has shown His love to me through numerous ways.

-He showed His love for me on Sunday afternoon when I walked to the Provo temple with my friends. Sitting on those temple grounds made me feel so close to Him, and I felt so at peace.
-He showed His love for me on Tuesday morning when I called my little brother. Hayden ended the conversation by saying, "Lauren, when are you coming home? I miss you. And I love you." That was exactly what I needed to get through that day.
-He showed His love for me when on Tuesday night I stopped at my mailbox to find a note from my roommate. Little did she know, I was having a hard time, and her note meant so much.
-He showed His love for me today as I was walking out of the Testing Center (after probably bombing my test), and a darling boy approached me. The boy simply thanked me for making an effort to dress modestly, that I looked nice, and he was on his way. He was probably just being nice, but his sweet comment made a difference in my moment of discouragement.

Two weeks ago, I wouldn't have been able to imagine how happy I am today. College is hard. It is oh, so hard. But I am being reminded so often of my Heavenly Father's hand in my life. He knows me. He will never leave me to struggle alone. He knows exactly what I need and when I need it. His love makes me so happy, so purely happy; and I am blessed because of it. I love my life here, and I am so grateful that I don't have to experience it without the divine help of my Father in Heaven.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Made in America

Yeah, so I haven't posted for a few weeks, yet today I have posted twice? Awesome.

For the past week or so, every time I watch the news or read the newspapers online they are always doing specials on September 11 and its 10th Anniversary. So... it has been on my mind.
I can't believe it has been ten years since that awful day. I was only in third grade, but I still remember listening to the radio and having my little eyes glued to the television after repeated video clips of the twin towers collapsing. I remember the somber feeling that was evident that day and the weeks that followed.
But... I also remember the immediate sense of pride that came forth as well. For those few months people proudly waved our flag, communities came together, and patriotism was evident. Most importantly, we all turned to our Heavenly Father and had hope that we could stand strong against this horrible tragedy. I think that is what our country is all about. In my opinion, it was meant that we be patriotic and have pride in this beautiful nation that is essentially a God-chosen land.
Although I'm clearly just young and probably ultra naive, I can't express how dearly I love this country. I feel so blessed that I am able to call this land my home and that I know that it was founded on principles and by men who were led and inspired by a loving Heavenly Father.

I am so grateful to be able to call myself an American.
And.... P.S. I love this song!!

College Life

Well here I am just sitting in my dorm room at Helaman Halls. I've just about finished my second week at BYU, and I love it!!
But, I'm not going to sugar coat things either. These past couple of weeks have been rough! I've been  homesick, overwhelmed, and so afraid. College is not easy and has definitely opened my eyes to the real world.
Okay, enough about the gloomy stuff... Here are the reasons that I love college:
-New friends. I feel like I've been friends with these girls for forever! We have so much fun together.
-My Book of Mormon class. Seriously amazing.
-Walking, walking, walking. Just you wait, I'll be completely buff by Christmas. Haha
-Being able to go home. You never fully appreciate home until you have to leave it.
-BYU Creamery. Enough said.
-Okay, okay I know this is shallow, but college boys? I think yes.

So, that's an update on my college life. Hard? Yes. But, amazing? Definitely.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Thank you, Hugh B. Brown.

Here is my Monday morning inspiration:

    "I think that one of the first things that every young person should do is get acquainted with God. I mean that in a very personal, literal sense. I mean it in the sense that we are able to go to Him and obtain the kind of help we need. I remember when I was quite a lad... I remember my mother said to me when I went to go on a mission in 1904, she said, 'My boy, you are going a long ways away from home now. Do you remember when you were just a little lad you used to have bad dreams and get frightened? Your bedroom was just off mine, and frequently you would cry out loud in the night and say, "Mother, are you there?" And I would answer, "Yes, my boy, I'm here. Everything is all right. Turn over and go to sleep." You always did. Knowing that I was there gave you courage.'
    "'Now,' she said,  'you will be about 6,000 miles away and though you may cry out for me I cannot answer you.' She added this: 'There is one who can, and if you call to Him, He'll hear you when you call. He will respond to your appeal. You just say, "Father, are you there?" and there will come into your heart the comfort and solace such as you knew as a boy when I answered you.'
    "I want to say to you young people that many times since then, in many varying conditions, I have cried out, 'Father, are you there?' I made that plea when in the mission field we were mobbed almost every night, driven from place to place. We were beaten, expelled from cities, and out lives were threatened. Every time before I went out to those meetings, I would say, 'Father, are you there?' And though I didn't hear a voice and I didn't see His person, I want to tell you young people He replied to me with the comfort and assurance and testimony of His presence."             -Hugh B. Brown

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Goodbye, my beautiful Tennessee

I am home.
This has been the best summer of my life.
 I am happy to be home with my younger siblings and my parents, but I miss Tennessee oh, so much.
On the airplane ride home, I made a list of the things I learned while away from home for the first time... Here they are:
-Life actually does exist 50 miles away from the nearest freeway (and it's the life I love!)
-After two months... chickens still scare me.
-On the flip side, I now realize that every dog is not out to get me. In fact, they are pleasant creatures.
-Oh gosh, there is just something about those fellas with southern accents...
-Tractor Supply is where it's at!
-The front porch swing is my favorite place in the world.
-If a dog barks like crazy in the middle of the night, it does not mean there is an intruder.
-You see, there are these things called chiggers.... gross.
-A herd of four cows isn't going to stop running just because they see you standing right in their path.
-If you ever wonder what Rocky Mountain oysters are... just ask me, because I now know.
-Bobcats exist in Tennessee (perhaps even in Todd and Brittany's woods?)
-There is no point in doing my make up while in Tennessee. Thanks to the humidity, it's gone by noon.
-I do not want to see another cat die- ever.
-Sometimes, in the south, people pray for you (right as you stand in front of them). And it is awesome.
-Why don't we have Waffle House in Utah?
-I want to be an auctioneer when I grow up.
-All of us Utahns need to be grateful for our waste services. They don't exist in the back roads of TN!
-I love gardening, and I'm actually willing to kill squash bugs with by bare hands.
-Who needs rock and roll when you've got radio stations full of gospel?
-I need to build up some muscles! I was reminded this after mowing the lawn once (yeah, with a riding mower!) How terribly sad.
-There's no greater compliment than getting waved and winked at on the freeway by some toothless truckers.
-Sorry mom and dad, but I love country music.
-Sometimes when the southern folk talk, you just have to smile and pretend like you know what they are saying. I just love those southern accents!
-Who needs Disneyland when you have a tractor?
-New friends are the best.
-Our siblings can be our best friends. I'm so thankful for the time I was able to spend with my brother Todd and his wife Brittany this summer.... I love them so much.
-My polka dot work boots are my favorite accessory.
-It is possible to live in Tennessee for 2 months and not get a single tick. Whoot whoot!
-Family is what it is all about.
-I'm so grateful for my parents and all that they have taught me in my life thus far.
-I'm so thankful for my roots and for the family name that I bear.
-The gospel is the same wherever you go. And that makes me so happy.
-Home isn't so much a place... it's just being with the people you love.
-No matter where we are or what we're experiencing, we are never alone. Our Heavenly Father will help us find strength.
-Heavenly Father will lead us to where we need to be to be shaped and molded into something better.
-The gospel of Jesus Christ makes me happy.

I just loved my summer so much, and I will always, always be grateful for the things I learned (some a little silly, others life-changing).
So yes, Tennessee, I love you.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Catch up time!

Once again, it has definitely been awhile. Here's what's been happening in my neck of the woods.

This is where I spent my 4th of July--the beautiful Boone Lake.Thanks to Dan and Gail Gasparovich, the weekend was perfect!

Mmmm, mmmm, mmm! Enjoying some good country BBQ in the holler!

For all of you NASCAR folk... the Bristol Motor Speedway.

My sister Brittany and I spent a day in the lovely Asheville, North Carolina at the Biltmore Estate. Oh boy, was it amazing!! I loved it.

I snapped this photo while waiting for lunch at the Mellow Mushroom.. Yummy.

The view from a rest stop... Yeah. A rest stop. Prettiest one I've ever seen.

Brittany and I enjoying the day at Dollywood (thank you, Dolly Parton, I will always love you too). It was really a great day!!

DD, Meredith and I at Dollywood. I just love new friends!

Dollywood- fun, fun, fun!

Downtown Knoxville is adorable!! We stopped here to walk around on our way home from our adventure in Dollywood.

I am honestly so grateful for the experience I've had here so far, and for my wonderful brother and his sweet wife Brittany. I couldn't have asked for a better summer.
More to come... (:

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Livin' the Country Life

Oh goodness gracious, I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted. I have almost been in Tennessee for a month, and I am loving it so much.

The following pictures summarize my adventure thus far...

This is my new friend, the chicken. To be quite frank, I think I was shaking when this picture was taken. I've never attempted to give some love to a chicken before.

These lovely ladies will eat right out of your hand!

This place is beautiful.

The CMA concert! Amazing. 
We were able to hear these country artists perform: Chris Young, Josh Turner (Hubba freaking hubba), Little Big Town, Trace Adkins, Martina McBride, Rascal Flatts, Clint Black, & Thompson Square. The concert was unbelievable. I loved it.

"Mormon Night" at the Nashville Sounds game. The missionaries serving here in Nashville were able to sing the national anthem, and church members from all over the area were able to come together and enjoy the game. Plus, hot dogs were only a buck if you were Mormon. Home run? I think so.
And... at the game I ran into David Archuleta. I snapped a photo of him just as he was in deep conversation with a  fan club member.

She is so adorable. Except when she is stampeding towards you with her three sisters. A couple of days ago, Brittany and I were filling up their water tubs, when suddenly the pup Lulu herds the cows towards us. And let me tell ya, they weren't just strolling through the pasture. I'm pretty sure my heart stopped and that I nearly jumped into  the water tubs. Luckily we both barely got out of their way. I think from now on I need to stay behind  the fence when admiring these ladies. (:

The garden--my new love. Isn't it beautiful?

This place is wonderful. Everyone has been so friendly, and I am making new friends. I'm especially grateful to be spending my summer with some of my favorite people ever-- my brother Todd and his wife Brittany. I love them! 

I just love it here. 
More posts to come!