Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mitt's the Man.

I hate to do this, but let's be honest folks... Mitt's the man.

And no... I am not misinformed.
I seriously love this country, and feel like it is my obligation as a citizen to become informed.
Right now, Mitt seems like the best pick.

Check him out for yourself at

Monday, October 10, 2011


Well, it's been a couple of weeks...
Things are SO good.

Here are 10 things that have made me happy this week:

1) The weather. I love this cool weather so much-- it's even made me pull out the Christmas music. Too soon? I don't think so.
2) Waking up on Sunday morning and looking at the sun shining on the beautiful snow-capped Wasatch Mountains.
3) A late night drive to a super sketchy park at the base of Provo Canyon. It was quite an adventure.
4) The BYU Homecoming Parade. For a few minutes, I felt like a little girl again.
5) A fun, fun date! We even carved pumpkins. It doesn't get much better than that!
6) BYU won their game on Saturday. Let's be honest here, who isn't happy about that?
7) Hot cocoa. I chugged a 20 oz. cup. Awesome.
8) I was able to see my cute sister on Saturday when she was up in Provo! I love her big time.
9) Sweet Potato Fries. Honestly, I've found my new favorite food.
10) Making even more new friends. Seriously, Heavenly Father knew I needed them in my life. They are making such a big difference!!

"In all living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed-- not just endured."
                                   -Gordon B. Hinckley