Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hold onto your seats, folks

I'm back, ladies and gents. Here's what I've been up to lately:

I love my roommates, Halloween, and caramel apples.

Matchy matchy roomies before the ward Halloween party! Don't worry, Lindsey and I totally won the 'Best Nerds' award. 

Okay, so we took this picture right after the dedication of the Brigham City Temple. These twelve girls are amazing! We were in the same ward together last year, and now we are all next door neighbors. Let's just say it's always a party! Totally love them!

My favorite Sunday afternoon spot. I am such a lucky girl to have this right down the street.

It doesn't get any better than a good BYU football game.

My cute friend Dacy came down to Provo, and we all went to a haunted house together. Holy cow, I haven't screamed/laughed that hard in a looooong time. 

So, there's a little bit about what's been going on around these parts. 
School is wonderful. It really blows my mind everyday that I have the opportunity to attend BYU. I love this place. 

But, I'm not gonna lie, we are right in the middle of the semester, and amid all of the tests and study groups and papers and presentations I sometimes want to quit.
Yeah, I'm a little melodramatic probably.
But there are some dang tough, discouraging days. 
You would think I would've figured this out permanently by now, but every single day Heavenly Father reminds me that I really can do hard things with His help. 
I'm such a weak girl, but because Heavenly Father sacrificed His Son for me, the difference can be made up. 
And that makes a world of difference to me.