Monday, March 26, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hi, I'm still alive

I'm just writing this post with the assumption that I do have some followers. And yeah, I'm still alive. If you read my blog, you may be wondering what's going on with all of these journalism posts. Well, I've been taking my first journalism class this semester and our weekly assignments consist of creating blog posts. So, there you go. I love journalism. I have learned so much about it this semester, and I'm pretty confident that it is exactly what I want to be studying.

The semester is ending in about 4 weeks. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Oh my word, what a quick one it has been.
In April, I will move back to St. George. I'm so excited to spend 4 WHOLE months with my family. I haven't done that in almost a year.
Soon I will start looking for summer jobs. I am hoping and praying that I can also get an internship with The Spectrum (St. George's newspaper) this summer.
However... I'm really going to miss Provo. I have grown to love this place and all of the people that I've met here. I seriously feel so blessed that I am a student at BYU. Some days, I have to stop and tell myself that I really do go to school here. It is a dream come true-- I feel so lucky.

(Thanks for the fantastic picture, Rosie)

Spring has sprung, and I don't think there is a better feeling in the whole world than laying a blanket out on the grass and snuggling up with a good book (or textbook, of course).

I also have a mini job. You know those annoying people that knock on your door every March trying to sell lawn aeration? Yeah, I'm one of them. I have to constantly remind myself as I'm walking down the street that my self esteem cannot be based off of cranky people who get mad at me for coming to their door. The key to making a lawn aeration sale here in Provo is to compliment the women on their wreaths and front-yard flower beds. Seriously, it's true.

Have you been following these Republican primaries? I have. My political junkiness has rubbed off on my roommate and friends. Everytime there is a primary you can pretty much guarantee a party in room 2123.

I also love Friday nights. Especially when they're spent with this boy.

Also, sending prayers for my sweet brother Brock. He's been in the hospital for almost two weeks now. Breaks my heart. I love that brother of mine so very much.

Finally, here is a powerful video to watch. My Book of Mormon professor shared it with us on the day when we were studying 3 Nephi 11 when Jesus Christ visited the Nephites.
What a wonderful experience my Book of Mormon class has been.

"And it came to pass that the multitude went forth, and thrust their hands into his side, and did feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet; and this they did do, going forth one by one until they had all gone forth..."

I am so thankful for a Savior who is an individual Savior. He knows exactly what each of us needs.
I believe that the Atonement was far more individual than we will ever, ever imagine.
What a blessing.

Whew, long post. Life is good.