Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My favorite people in the whole wide world...

I graduate from high school in 4 weeks, and I am leaving home immediately afterwards. Reality has seriously struck me, and as I sit here tonight I realize how much I'm going to miss these guys when I move out. Right now, I can hear Hayden practicing his recorder in between conversations of soccer with Christian. Amanda is hanging out with boys.... uh oh. I'm going to miss teasing her about them.
And no, I'm not dying, I will still see them very often, but I am going to miss being with my best friends everyday. I am so lucky to be the big sister of these kiddos.

P.S. Although I'll miss my younger siblings and my parents....I am also SO excited to spend my summer in TN with my older brother Todd and his wife Brittany!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My darling friend, Margo

For the past two years I've had the wonderful opportunity of being a counselor at Special Needs Mutual. My buddy, Margo, has become one of my dearest friends. Because of my upcoming graduation, I only have about three more activities at Special Needs Mutual. I am so sad. This calling has been wonderful for me, and Special Needs Mutual has become one of my favorite places to be. The spirit of these beautiful people is enriching, and I love them. I feel the love of my Savior through them.
A lot of people say that we, the counselors, are giving a great service to our special needs friends, but in all reality, they are the ones serving us.

Margo and I spent the afternoon together making cookies today. I love this sweet girl.