Saturday, June 30, 2012


Last weekend, my mom, Christian, Hayden and I paid a visit to Price, UT for a family reunion.
The little towns surrounding Price are the places of my ancestors.
It was a special weekend as we were able to visit sites pertaining to our family's history.

Check out all of those Lindseys making the trek out to the old Coke ovens.

Hayden is such a tender-hearted boy.

These are some of the best people I know-- my Grandma and my Grandpa's brothers.
My Grandpa Doug used to hit home runs at this very baseball diamond.

These pictures from our little adventure in Price probably don't mean much to anyone..
But to me, they symbolize SO MUCH.

As we were walking down the narrow streets of Wellington, Sunnyside and Columbia, Utah I could almost picture what it was like at the time my grandparents were living there.
These sweet, run-down towns were once alive and vibrant.

However, it's the people that came from those towns that make me eternally grateful.
I learn so much from them. I learn of faith, loyalty, devotion, humor, love and service.
I learn what it means to be truly in love, dedicated to the gospel and committed to the strengthening of family.
I am such a lucky girl to come from a family like this.
And then I think.... What am I doing today to bless my posterity?

Oh heavens, I could be doing so much more.
I want to be the kind of mother and grandmother that my children and their children will be grateful for.

I thank Heavenly Father every day for the righteous examples and motivations that I see in my ancestors. I want nothing more than to be like them.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Me? Domestic?

Ladies and gents, there is hope.
Although these loaves of Zupfe (a Swiss braided bread) look slightly deformed...
they tasted delish!

Nothing burned or started on fire, and no one died after eating them.
Future children, maybe, just maybe, you won't starve after all.

Friday, June 15, 2012

My angel mother

"All I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."
Honest Abe was never more honest...
And this is exactly how I feel about my very own angel mother.

Cute mom and sister.

How did I get so lucky to be able to be born to such a wonderful woman?
Since May 13, 1993 she has been my true and constant friend.
Her advice is perfect.
Her faith is steadfast.
Seriously, she has been through more than most people I know, yet she handles every day filled with grace and service.
She is devoted to the gospel.
She magnifies her callings.
She never ever complains.. even when we all give her a hard, hard time.
I wrote this in my journal one lonely day during my first year at school:
"Why did I wish away those precious years when I was able to just walk downstairs and get a hug from my mom? It's hard nights like these when I just wish I could run down to her room and sit next to her and cry. She always makes me feel better. It's in the gentle way that she strokes my hair and in the way she starts to cry when she sees a tear fall down my own cheek. She is the best mom in the world. I want to be just like her. I miss being with her (my best friend) every day."

I hope and pray that I can be even close to as good as she is someday.

The thing that I love most about my mom is that she makes me want to get to know my Savior better.
Her life reflects His love. She really is a witness of Him through the way she humbly lives her life.

I am so blessed to be her daughter.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

My St. George

Did I ever mention just how lucky I feel to live in this place?
Kind of a bad picture, but today I looked outside and immediately felt so grateful that I am able to call St. George home.
.This has been my place for 19 years.
And boy, am I blessed because of it. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Thanks, Miss Corrie Ten Boom

"Every experience God gives us, every person He puts into our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future only He can see."