Thursday, March 14, 2013

If I were president

If I were president:

1) You could buy packages of just pink Starbursts. At Costco.

2) It would be illegal to eat a tuna fish sandwich in the middle of your college lecture hall. Mmmm, I can almost smell it now.

3) More people would stand in the middle of the sidewalks at Brigham Young University during class change... making out. Yep, that was totally a joke.

4) Everyone would cheer for you if you slipped and fell on the ice.

5) My background music would sound a little bit like this:
Would that be awesome or what?

6) There would be a National Si Robertson Day where everyone would, yep you guessed it, talk like Silas Robertson himself.

7) Everyone would, on that note, grow a Robertson beard.

8) No one would smack their lips while they were eating or lick their fingers when they were done. Naaaasty. 

9) The stairs up the hill to campus wouldn't look like this: 

But rather, would look more like this:

File:Escalator, Vaƈkovka, Brno (3).jpg

10) Honey Boo Boo would be my VP. 

Vote for me.

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